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Library News in Anthropology


E-books survey

By Cecile Dubuis, on 22 January 2009

This is open to all UCL staff and students.


You may be aware that UCL is participating in the JISC National E-books Observatory project, a major investigation into the use of e-textbooks – the response from UCL to the preliminary survey in February last year was exceptionally high.

We are again inviting all staff and students at UCL to contribute by completing an online exit survey. This should take just over 10 minutes to complete and gives you the chance of winning £200-worth of Amazon vouchers in the prize draw. Your feedback will help UCL Library Services to develop its e-resources strategy to reflect the requirements of UCL staff and students.

If you would like to take part, please go to:


Please note that you are under no obligation whatsoever to take part in this survey. Any information that you give us will be held securely, and we will under no circumstances reveal any findings other than at a highly aggregated level. We are collecting the data through a third party, Survey Monkey, whose privacy policy can be checked at:


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