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HE STEM Set to Lead


An HE STEM project providing insights into inclusive leadership and employability skills for engineering and technology undergrads.


Industry Roundtable rescheduled

By Jan Peters, on 11 July 2011

Public sector strikes and heatwaves aside we have rescheduled the roundtable discussion for industry participants to Monday 18 July. Two sessions are scheduled for 13:00 and 15:30

There are still spaces left in the 15:30 session.

We are running two groups and are looking to hear your thoughts on leadership, the kinds of skills and insights you would like to see new graduates coming to you with and seeing demonstrated in assessment centres. We also want to capture insights into perspectives on leadership and success from a diversity perspective to so we can use this to help shape the development of resources we will include in a workshop for engineering academics.
Register for HE STEM SET to Lead Roundtable - Industry in London, United Kingdom  on Eventbrite

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