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UCL Health Communication Network


Uniting work on health communication from around UCL


June 27th – UCL HCN Research Seminar Series

By Sinead Jackson, on 17 June 2024

The next event in the UCL HCN Research Seminar Series will take place on June 27th, at 1-2pm.

Please join us in welcoming Dr. Beth Malory, who is a Lecturer in The Department of English Language and Literature, University College London, UK.

Location: IOE – 20 Bedford Way, Room 639

  • Lived experiences of diagnostic terminology for pregnancy loss: a qualitative study using focus groups

In this talk I will discuss the findings of a qualitative study using focus groups, which aims to describe participants’ exposure pregnancy loss terminology, and the impacts of that terminology on their experiences of accessing healthcare during and after pregnancy loss. 30 participants with lived experience(s) of pregnancy loss occurring in the UK since April 2021 were recruited and attended one of 8 focus groups lasting one hour each. These focus groups were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim, and the transcripts analysed thematically. 

The talk will centre on the major themes arising from the focus group data; that terminology around pregnancy loss can often 1) imply culpability, or exacerbate feelings of self-blame, 2) reflect societal beliefs about some losses being more traumatic than others, 3) validate or invalidate feelings of grief and trauma, and dehumanise or humanise the baby who has died, and 4) be perceived as too ‘clinical’. It will also outline how these findings can contribute to the implementation of improvements in pregnancy loss care.


This session is also hybrid and you may join us via Zoom:


We look forward to seeing you there!

The UCL Health Communication Network Team

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