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UCL Health Communication Network


Uniting work on health communication from around UCL


Welcome back!

By Zsofia Demjen, on 28 September 2023

From October, we (Andrea Vaughan, Sinead Jackson, and Emma Brooks) will be running the UCL Health Communication Network seminar series again.

This is for UCL researchers (students and staff) to connect and find out about each other’s work across faculties. As last year, there will be monthly lunchtime seminars where UCL people share current/ongoing/just finished/just starting work in informal presentations. This year, we’re planning a mix of sessions some with two short 15mins presentations and others with one longer 30mins presentation, in both cases followed by discussion and chat/networking. The seminars will be in-person, but also live-streamed for those who can’t be there and open for anyone to attend.

The first three dates for your diaries are:

  • 17th Oct 1-2pm
  • 16th Nov 1-2pm
  • 5th Dec 1-2pm

We are delighted that we already have some confirmed presenters for all the slots (details coming soon!), but there is room for one more short talk on 5th December. If you would like to share your work with our friendly interdisciplinary group, please get in touch (z.demjen@ucl.ac.uk, sinead.jackson.21@ucl.ac.uk, andrea.vaughan.20@ucl.ac.uk).

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