Researching with/ for/ about youth and young people: CGY workshop on 11th February 2019
By UCL Global Youth, on 5 November 2018
** Call for Papers/ Presentations **
UCL-Institute of Education, 11th February 2019, 13.00 – 17.00pm
Following the success of our methods workshop last year, the CGY is organising a second workshop to explore the challenges of researching with/ for/ about youth and young people.
These challenges may include accessing young people and young lives, tackling ethical issues, or self-care for the researcher when researching youth who have experienced trauma. The innovations may include new(ish) methods (e.g. using social media for data collection) or ‘old’ methods that have been updated to reflect the challenges of your particular project.
This will be an open, informal, and multi-disciplinary forum. If you would like to present your research methods at this event, please send an expression of interest to Avril Keating ( by 15th December 2018. This expression of interest should include: your name, institutional affiliation, the proposed title of your presentation, and a short abstract (200 words).
We especially welcome abstracts from researchers using innovative methods and/ or Early Career Researchers (including PhD students). Researchers working in a non-academic setting are also very welcome to submit an abstract and/ or attend.