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UCL events news and reviews


Chemist goes to the Theatre

By Claire V J Skipper, on 18 November 2011

Dear All,

Last night, I went to the Bloomsbury Theatre to see the UCLU Drama Society’s production of Much Ado About Nothing.

It was with much trepidation that I settled down to watch with my friend in the modern theatre (with ample leg room), as earlier this year I had seen the West End version and assumed that the amateur production would not compare. I am pleased to report, however, that although the special effects could not compete (the one literally shaky moment being when an arch fell over) the acting would certainly not have been out of place in the West End.

At times, it exceeded expectations and of especial note was the Prince’s Guard who had either taken it upon themselves or been directed to act camp, which added a further dimension of hilarity to this side plot.

For those readers who do not know Shakespeare’s comedy Much Ado About Nothing, I will not spoil the play, but its plot has two main threads. On one hand, there is Beatrice and Benedick who do not like each other but a plot is hatched to make them fall in love, and on the other, the Prince helps Claudio to woo Hero but this love is beset by difficulties.

As is often the trend with modern Shakespearean productions, the play was moved to a modern setting, in this case just after World War II, with period costume and music. Along with other Shakespearean comedies, there is a bit of all sorts of types of comedy with funny situations, puns and slapstick to suit different tastes.

Although you had to concentrate on the language to get all of the subtle jokes, there were moments where the whole audience roared with laughter and I am sure that most left, as I did, with a warm fuzzy feeling.

I myself am amazed at my earlier apprehension and, as one of the converted, will keep an eye out for further productions of the UCLU Drama Society with eager anticipation. With tickets at most £10, you cannot go wrong.

Until the Golem Returns.

Your Computational Chemist

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