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The ELOPE-GDM qualitative study


Understanding what women need to help them manage GDM and reduce future risk of type 2 diabetes


Archive for the 'Events' Category

ELOPE-GDM Dissemination event online.

By Amanda Moore, on 11 August 2023

Presentation of the qualitative findings from the ELOPE-GDM study (evaluating the long-term outcomes following a pregnancy with gestational diabetes).

7th September, 1pm – 2.30pm

As part of the ELOPE-GDM study, looking at long-term outcomes for women after a pregnancy with gestational diabetes, the UCL qualitative team have been talking to women about their experiences of diabetes in pregnancy. We wanted to understand their lived experience and what would help them engage with managing gestational diabetes and with acting to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes postpartum and beyond. We will be running an online dissemination event on 7th September 2023. This event is hosted in partnership with Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, one of our recruitment partners for the study.

  • For health professionals, researchers, women with lived experience and others interested in gestational diabetes experiences.
  • Hear about the ELOPE-GDM interview study findings and recommendations for care and research.
  • Find out what you can do to limit risk of type 2 diabetes after a GDM pregnancy.
  • Hear about how you can get involved with research and the benefits of doing so.

If you would like to attend or find out more please go to the event booking page at eventbrite Click here or email us at elope-gdm@ucl.ac.uk.