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Data Management Planning for Secure Services (DMP-SS)


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Data Management Planning Workshop – Faculty of Population Health Sciences

By F D ( Tito ) Castillo, on 1 May 2012

Date: Wednesday 18th July 2012

Time: 1pm – 4pm

Venue: Leolin Price Lecture Theatre, Institute of Child Health

Public health research data takes time, effort and considerable resources to collect yet the associated data management practices can vary considerably and often datasets are misplaced or difficult to reuse. Management of public health data must also consider potentially complex legislative and ethical dynamics that demand effective information governance at all stages in the data life-cycle.

Recent initiatives in the medical and related sciences and across funding organisations (National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, MRC, BBSRC, Cancer Research UK, Wellcome Trust, and ESRC) have highlighted the need for researchers and support staff to demonstrate both the capability and intention to manage their public health research datasets effectively. As an example, all MRC grant applicants are now expected to submit a Data Management Plan (DMP) as part of their funding proposals. Recently the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) has proposed an adaptable checklist of key questions to be addressed by researchers at different stages in this life-cycle.

The DMP-SS project, based at UCL, seeks to explore the application of this checklist through the application of relevant information standards. The project addresses both the structural and procedural aspects of research data management planning.

The intention of this workshop is to:

  1. present both DMPOnline (a tool developed by the DCC) and the MRC’s latest requirements on data management planning;
  2. describe on-going initiatives within UCL, including the DMP-SS project, and how they relate to population health research;
  3. seek to identify key priorities to develop these UCL initiatives further.





MRC Data management plans Veerle van den Eynden, MRC Data Support Service Project Manager


DCC DMPOnline Martin Donnolly, Digital Curation Centre


DMP-SS Tito Castillo, MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health


Group introduction and discussion


 Coffee break


UCL research data Max Wilkinson, Head of Research Data Services, UCL


Platform Technologies Jacky Pallas, Platform Technologies, UCL


MRC e-Health bid Spiros Denaxas, CALIBER Project, UCL


LSHTM perspective Frieda Midgely & Gareth Knight, LSHTM


Group discussion – priorities and challenges


For registration goto: http://dmpss.eventbrite.com/

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