Spotlight on… BA Linguistics and BSc Experimental Linguistics
By Hannah Searle, on 11 November 2015
What is it about?
Linguistics is the study of language as a cognitive ability. Language use is so central in our daily lives that it is easy to overlook the complexity, and subtlety of the knowledge and skills that underlie our ability to speak and understand one another. Linguistics tries to explain how this is all possible: what lets us recognise which sounds, words and sentences are and are not part of our language; how we came to know them (mostly without being taught!); and how they are stored in our minds and brains.
Bridging the gap between the sciences and humanities, the study of linguistics puts students at the centre of exciting, interdisciplinary research on fundamental questions about language and mind.
What will I study?
Both degree programmes include substantial components in core areas of the discipline: the study of sound, structure, and meaning. You will also have diverse range of optional modules to choose from in years 2 and 3, including Neurolinguistics, Sociolinguistics and Language Acquisition.
You will learn about the use of experimental methods from psychology and neuroscience, which are employed in linguistics, to understand how knowledge of language is stored and accessed in the minds of speakers. The BSc programme, compared to the BA, includes more mandatory modules focusing on this area.
Where does it lead?
Linguistics provides a distinct opportunity for students fascinated with language to pursue their curiosity while developing highly transferable analytic, argumentative writing skills.
Our graduates go on to careers in areas such as publishing, management, and teaching, and top-rated postgraduate degree programmes in a variety of language related disciplines.
Key information
Entry requirements:
BA Linguistics: AAA-ABB at A level with English Language, Mathematics or a science subject preferred.
BSc Experimental Linguistics: AAA-AAB at A level with at least one of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology required.
For alternative entry qualifications please see the UCL Undergraduate Prospectus webpage:
Find out more:
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