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DIS Student Blog


Department of Information Studies


#uklibchat – Libraries in 2012

By Annie Johnson, on 27 January 2012

One of the more brilliant things about Twitter is the hashtag. Not only can you see all tweets tagged with a certain hashtag, but these tweets are displayed in chronological order, as a timeline. This allows you to chat in real time with other people using the same hashtag.

#uklibchat is a fortnightly Twitter chat for librarians. An agenda is created in a Google Doc before each session, and anyone can add questions to it. During the actual chat, a moderator will ask the questions to lead the discussion.

The first #uklibchat this year was on the subject of “Libraries in 2012”. It was a really positive discussion, with the first question asking everyone to share their greatest achievement in 2011. We keep hearing so much about library cuts and closures that it can be easy to forget all of the positive things that librarians are doing!

@uklibchat Probably going from Saturday Public Library Assistant to Graduate Trainee. It’s given me so much more experience! #uklibchat

— Adam M (@adamm1988) January 12, 2012

Other questions focused on library-related resolutions for 2012, challenges facing libraries in future, and technological developments we expected to see in the coming year. While the first resolution I thought of was a simple “pass this degree!”, other participants had quite a variety of wishes and goals, some of which is very wise advice which I will be attempting to follow.

I have found #uklibchat a great way to meet other information professionals. A lot of the people tweeting are new professionals, graduate trainees or students, and so it is very easy to join in the conversation.

The next chat will be on Thursday 9th February from 6.30-8.30pm. The topic hasn’t been announced yet, but will be posted on the #uklibchat blog, together with the link to the agenda.

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