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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


New Moodle training – Quiz, Question Bank and Gradebook

By i.niculescu, on 20 February 2024

The Digital Education team is launching new Moodle training packages.

Who is this training for?

These training packages are aimed at staff who are comfortable navigating the Moodle interface and understand its basic functionalities.

It is aimed at both academic and professional services staff.

What does the training cover?

Moodle Advanced Quiz and Question Bank

  • an overview of Moodle question types
  • building a Moodle Quiz that uses advanced features
  • accessible and inclusive quiz design considerations
  • advanced quiz settings such as feedback, question randomisation, and adaptive mode
  • an overview of the Question Bank interface
  • how teams can manage question banks
  • organising question banks clearly with categories and tag
  • analysing question usage and quiz results

Moodle Gradebook

  • an overview of the Gradebook interface
  • basic functionalities and how to access key features
  • advanced features such as grade calculations, scales, outcomes and customised reporting
  • considerations for regular checks and maintenance of gradebooks

How can I learn?

Self-paced online course, workshops, or a combination!

The same information is covered by both the self-paced online courses and the online synchronous workshops, the only difference is the delivery mode.

How do I access the self-paced courses or book a workshop?

Self-paced courses

The estimated completion time for each course is between 2-3 hours.

Online synchronous workshops (equivalent to self-paced courses)

You can register using MS Forms, this will automatically generate an Outlook calendar invite which includes all the necessary information for joining the workshop.

Each workshop is 90 minutes long and will take place online.

Advanced Quiz Management in Moodle

Question Bank & Question Analytics in Moodle

Moodle Gradebook

Depending on your role, existing knowledge and availability, you can choose the combination which best suits your needs e.g. one workshop for Question Bank and self-paced course for Advanced Quiz. After completing the online courses or workshops, staff can get further support by getting in touch by email to digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk.

The training packages will be further developed as we receive feedback and input from the UCL community. Course participants will be notified when new materials will be added to the courses.

If you missed one of our workshops, please use the ‘Registration of interest’ form and we will contact you as soon as it becomes available again.

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