MLA Convention 2014, Chicago
By Sarah Davenport, on 3 February 2014
by Kelli Massa
The MLA (Modern Language Association) Convention was held in Chicago, Illinois, USA from 8 January to 12 January 2014, just days after the first wave of the polar vortex struck North America freezing the shores of Lake Michigan.
I attended the convention on behalf of UCLDH to present the Digital Humanities MA/MSc programme as part of the Praxis Network. This network represents six different university programmes that specialise in the digital humanities. Universities involved in the Praxis Network span three continents and four countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and New Zealand.
On the Praxis Network Panel, a representative from each university spoke for five minutes about their respective programme and participated in a Q&A session at the end. Prior to the convention, the organiser, Katina Rogers, created a site for the panel where participants added their draft remarks so those attending could have a better understanding of the network and the various university programmes. These can still be found on the panel website. The presentations about various programmes revealed shared struggles with incorporating technology with humanities education and offered different approaches for success.
This is a blog entry that includes the twitter feed from the session. However, I must add that it appears this is incomplete as I posted a few tweets about the panel that are not included.
Kelli Massa is a 2013 MSc graduate of the Digital Humanities Programme at UCL. She can be followed on Twitter @kellimmassa.