Job Alert – Lecturer in Digital Archives
By Adam Crymble, on 27 October 2022
UCL’s Department of Information Studies is seeking a Lecturer in Digital Archives for a full time academic post. Deadline for applications is 20 November 2022.
“We are seeking an innovative researcher and lecturer to appoint to a full-time post beginning on January 2023, with a teaching focus of relevance to our MA/MSc Digital Humanities and MA in Archives & Records Management programmes. We are particularly interested in applicants who take Post-Colonial or Non-Western centric approaches and offer one or more of the following: Digitisation; Digital Inequities; Digital Ethics; Anti-Opressive Approaches to Digital Cultural Heritage; Artificial Intelligence and its use in Cultural Heritage; Digital Communities and Activism; the Impacts and Affects of Big Data and Data Modelling, Representation, Visualisation and Simulation and interdisciplinary applications of these areas to other research activities within the Department.”
Full Details available on the UCL Jobs portal:
Job Reference: 1888211