The full abstract is available on the seminar programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.
By Simon Mahony, on 21 July 2015
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2015
Friday July 24 at 16:30 in room G21A, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
Saskia Peels (Liège): ‘A Collection of Greek Ritual Norms Project (CGRN)’
This talk presents the project A Collection of Greek Ritual Norms, abbreviated CGRN (University of Liège). The CGRN is an online collection and database of over 200 Greek inscriptions with a religious subject matter, notably normative texts concerning sacrifice and purification. Using the EpiDoc XML standard, we have lemmatized the inscriptions and encoded geographic, chronological and thematic information, so that this corpus will be searchable in many different ways. Thus, our website serves not only scholars wanting to study individual inscriptions, but we hope that our tool may further our understanding of what are usually called ‘sacred laws’ more generally.
As always the seminar will be followed by discussion over wine and refrshments.
The full abstract is available on the seminar programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.