The full abstract is available on the programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.
HomeBy Simon Mahony, on 17 June 2015
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2015
Friday June 19th at 16:30 in room G21A, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
Emma Payne (UCL Institute of Archaeology)
‘Digital comparison of 19th century plaster casts and original classical sculptures.’
The seminar will be streamed live to our YouTube Channel
Historical casts of classical sculptures can now function as important archaeological records, sometimes containing archaeological information now lost from originals. However, it was not unknown for 19th century plaster craftsmen to doctor their moulds, such that when cast, a damaged sculpture would appear more complete. To determine the type and usefulness of information present in casts, 3D scanning has been conducted at the British Museum and Acropolis Museum of casts and their corresponding originals, of sections of the Parthenon sculptures. The resulting 3D images are now being produced and digitally compared to facilitate interpretation of these objects and their significances.
As always the seminar will be followed by discussion over wine and refrshments.
The full abstract is available on the programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.