Seminar: Clotho – Network Analysis and Distant Reading on the Perseus Latin Corpus
By Simon Mahony, on 15 July 2014
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2014
Thibault Clérice (King’s College London)
‘Clotho: Network Analysis and Distant Reading on the Perseus Latin Corpus’
Friday July 18 at 16:30 in room G34, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
How do we handle Latin texts with digital tools? How do we apply to Latin sources technologies and algorithms which have been developed for the linguistic study of modern languages? Clotho is a resource which aims to address these questions in an Open-Source format, providing network analysis, data extraction mechanisms, and document statistics. Using these tools, Lasciva Roma, a project of cultural network analysis around the lexical field of terms related to sexuality, was launched in 2014. This seminar will explore and review this project, focusing on how the community can use these tools, and how to ensure the tools and the data will not be lost.
The seminar will be followed by wine and refreshments.