Seminar: Public Archaeology in a Digital Age
By Simon Mahony, on 16 June 2014
This week’s Digital Classicist seminar is given by UCLDH research student Lorna Richardson.
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2014
Lorna Richardson (University College London)
‘Public Archaeology in a Digital Age’
Friday June 20 at 16:30 in room G37, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
This paper will discuss the need for diverse archaeological communities to widen participation and engage new audiences on a more collaborative platform. The paper will discuss the results of my doctoral research, which has provided data that can be used to improve user experience, engagement and participation with archaeology and other heritage subjects via Internet technologies, and embed usability and sustainability within digital archaeological projects. Understanding the impact of participatory media will aid archaeologists and those in the heritage fields to promote the advantages of digital engagement and public collaboration, in terms of economic benefit, social justice, learning outcomes, diversifying audiences and the promotion of social inclusion.
The seminar will be followed by wine and refreshments.
The full 2014 programme is on the Digital Classicist website.