UCLDH: James Cronin presents No “radical new beginning”: DH and SoTL
By Julianne Nyhan, on 7 November 2012
UCLDH is pleased to announce the following lecture by James Cronin on 13th December 2012 at 17:30.
Lecture: No “radical new beginning”: How can Digital Humanities benefit from engagement with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning community?
Speaker: James G. R. Cronin, University College Cork, Ireland
Abstract: In this presentation, James Cronin, an Ionad Bairre Fellow in Teaching
and Learning at University College Cork, will initially survey some
current uses of the definition “digital pedagogy” by the digital
humanities community. He will then critique histories and applications
of this definition and he will conclude this talk by suggesting
alternative ways of representing digital pedagogy with reference to
work in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), which is
steadily growing as an international community of reflective
practitioners in higher education.
Venue: Room G31 Foster Court, Gower St, WC1E 6BT London; followed by a
reception in the Arts and Humanities Common Room, Foster Court at 18:30
Please register for a place here: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/event/4703336807