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Chemistry Department Blog


Chemistry Department Events, Activiities, Outreach & Enthusiasm


Contemplating a PhD in UCL Chemistry?

By zccasle, on 26 March 2015

Brought to you by the Athena Swan committee in UCL Chemistry– promoting diversity in science.


Deciding whether to do a PhD can be a hard decision, as well as choosing the course and how to go about applying for one. However, it can be even more difficult if you are unaware of what it’s like or what else the experience can offer if you do end up studying towards one- it’s just like walking into the unknown…

During reading week, 14 students had the opportunity to hear about what it takes to apply for a PhD, the support mechanisms available to them if they decide to undertake one at UCL and what makes research in chemistry at UCL so unique and attractive. The 5 minute video below, premiered at the event, gives a little taster into the reality of researching in UCL chemistry and the added benefits of doing a PhD.


Please note: Student ALERT!- This video was made by UCL chemistry students starring UCL chemistry students (subtitles included for the hard of hearing).

So why the sudden need to hold this event? In the chemistry department, the Athena Swan committee has been monitoring the experiences of students and staff during their time here in UCL. In the last survey, we had a total of 33 respondents all of whom were PhD students. We found that 80% of students felt their previous/ current experiences impacted on deciding whether they would continue a career in academia, with over half of the respondents only having an undergraduate or master’s degree, as opposed to other routes such as industrial placements or teaching positions. We therefore felt it was important to create a dialogue between us (the Athena Swan committee) and final year undergraduate students to help impact the next step towards an academic career.

The reading week event introduced students to the research focus of UCL lecturers in the fields of organic, inorganic, computational and physical chemistry. PhD students from each section shared how they landed where they are now and described their current experiences. Students were given time to ask questions and the feedback from the event has proven successful, inspiring us to deliver more of such events.

We are always willing and wanting to know the experiences of current students and postdocs to develop a diverse and inclusive environment for everyone. Please help us by filling in our 5 minute survey and be a part of the change you want to see:



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