Ok, I know what some of you may be thinking. Two weeks? In early June? What am I going to get out of this? What will be expected of me? How does this beat spending time with friends, reflecting on the year, or just getting outside after exams?!?!
If you’ve got your dream job or internship lined up for the summer, then the answer is pretty simple: it may not. But if you’re wondering what to do next, don’t have any work lined up, and are feeling some dread about what’s to come after your time at UCL – chances are you’ll be feeling that way even if you do spend the first few weeks of June out in the park.
So why don’t you put that time to good use? Why not take part in workshops and projects, with a group of like-minded students, learning key skills to help you get a job or internship? If you can’t banish that dread, why not at least harness it to achieve something positive?
In today’s job market, getting a good result from UCL will work in your favour. However, a UCL degree alone will not land you the graduate job you want. These days, it is your experience, motivation, skills, and importantly, how you market all of these, which can make the difference between getting a job and having your CV being binned at the application stage.
So, how will UCL’s Summer School Programme help you?
Over two weeks, UCL Careers will help you explore and build your skills in various aspects of your career: from planning, to applying, to interviewing, to researching wider issues that will serve you well as you progress onwards from your first job. Not only will you learn from each other, but you will gain priority access to over 40 employers who are looking to recruit students, now, for paid opportunities. You will also get 1:1 time with these employers, as well as with a range of experienced careers consultants, giving you feedback and insight into how you are marketing yourself in the world of work.
So, how will all of this unfold?
Week One

In week one we will be breaking down the career essentials, looking at everything from how to plan your career, to how to put together a CV, to how to engage with employers effectively, to how to approach assessment centres. Some of the key questions we will tackle will be:
How can I….?:
- make decisions around career choice?
- personalise my CV to a specific employer?
- really use LinkedIn to get jobs?
- sound credible at interviews?
- do well on online aptitude testing?
- stand out from the crowd at assessment centres?
- really connect with employers?
We’ll approach these through workshops, team work, plenary speakers from a range of sectors – from the humanitarian field to banking and finance – intensive employer-led feedback, and debriefing sessions with careers consultants. All of this will prepare you not just for putting this into practice in Week 2, but for your career journey long ahead.
Week 2
Week Two will kick off with the Jobs Market, where you will get priority access (ie. first in the queue ahead of all other students) to over 40 employers who have immediate vacancies in 2014. With the intensive preparation from week 1, you’ll be well placed to have meaningful conversations with them which will hopefully lead to a role for you.
For the rest of the week, we’ll push you to dig deeper and really test your careers skills. Working in teams, you will carry out a Labour Market Research project, where you will explore key themes of Global Citizenship, such as ethics, how to market yourself in an increasingly transnational jobs market, and how to identify companies and sectors at the cutting edge of global workforce. You will also apply the skills you’ve learned to a wider global picture, and then present back to a panel who will give you intensive feedback, helping build your presentation skills and confidence for when you have to do this in the real world.
Finally, we’ll end the week with drinks and a chance to unwind before the weekend.
Register now!
If that’s not enough to grab your attention, you can also put this on your CV to show employers just how serious you are about your career, and why they should hire you. Attendance in 70% of these sessions will count towards our HEAR.