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Candy Crushing it to the job you love

By Weronika Z Benning, on 5 June 2016

I have a confession to make – I never quite got on with Candy Crush – a bit too colourful and bit too cutesy for me, personally. I’ve always been more of a Clash of Clans kinda guy (Town Hall 9, soon to be Town Hall 10, for those of you in the know).

Yesterday I learnt that the average gamer (apparently there is such a thing!) is a 26 year old female. I also learnt that the gamification of psychometrics is coming. In a big way. At KPMG in Australia, they started testing out their own game on applicants for internships. At PwC they’re using gamification in recruitment at their Hungary branch. It seems like it’s just a matter of time, before it spreads – and definitely not to just the big 4 accountancy / audit firms.

I know what you’re thinking! Can’t they just leave us and our games alone – leave us one safe haven from the difficulties of the world – and stop trying to be down with the kids!? Apparently not! (Eeeeep).

But there is an upside or two. It means less reliance on verbal and numerical reasoning type psychometric tests that I know cause many applicants anxiety (hurrah!), as well as a more, natural and intuitive approach to teasing out your skills – including resilience, intelligence and imagination. Plus, ermmm, you can spend your time on Candy Crush preparing for job success. Yep, you heard me right.

Me – I’m looking forward to spending time playing such apps – possibly even this afternoon (I have a very understanding boss) – all in the name of becoming a more effective and understanding Careers Consultant – honest guv! Such offerings include Firefly Freedom and Cosmic Cadet (what is it with alliterative gaming app names!?) – two offerings from Arctic Shores – a firm that has marries occupational psychology, recruitment and gaming.

Let’s get gaming!

By Raj Sidhu, Careers Consultant