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Job seeking tips for dyslexic graduates

By UCL Careers, on 21 October 2014

This post originally appeared on The Reach Blog

Dyslexia by Flickr user txberiuWe’ve blogged before about dyslexia and its particular barriers to the jobseeking process. But what can dyslexic students and graduates do about it? Well this week I came across a really good blog post on Graduate Fog; Dyslexic graduates: 6 job hunting tips you need to know about.

The article acknowledges that “Being a dyslexic graduate can make a tough job market feel even tougher. Graduate applications, CVs, covering letters, assessment days and interviews are all more stressful if words swim on the page in front of you and reading, writing and spelling aren’t your strong suit.” But adds that “in some cases, having dyslexia can actually be an asset when job hunting – if you handle the situation correctly.”

The author then gives lots of useful advice on playing to your strengths in the job seeking process:

  • Be proud
    Use experiences of managing dyslexia to demonstrate persistence
  • Help yourself
    Keep exploring tools that can help you
  • Present it as a positive
    Don’t apologise, talk about your dyslexia with confidence
  • Know your rights
  • Play to your strengths
    For example lots of dyslexics are creative, visual thinkers
  • Keep smiling

You can read the full piece on Graduate Fog.

We have more resources about careers and job seeking with Dyslexia on Careers Tagged and if you’re concerned about disclosing dyslexia or any other condition to employers then we cover the options and issues in this post.

Dyslexia image by Flickr user Tiberiu Ana. Under CC BY 2.0 license.