Byron Fellowship: My week in Indiana

byron1The Byron Fellowship Educational Foundation offers travel bursaries to current UCL students to enable them to attend a one-week educational programme in sustainable communities in certain areas of the USA. Last year, Temitope Ogunrekun was lucky enough to be one of two awardees, and flew over to spend a week in Indiana in May. Upon his return, he spoke effusively about his experience of the workshop. “It champions a very practical approach towards life and living from a variety of great mentors and coaches to develop the mindsets of students across the globe. They engender a sense of competing with one another that develops into forward momentum and co-creation. I guess it’s kind of analogous to nature’s own approach to growth.

“It’s an approach which helps to build a interactions between a strong body, mind and soul and empowers you to greater insight into someone’s true inner strengths, which in turn instructs how to bring peace to inner weaknesses. This all fosters a sustainable ability and drive to do the right thing. In the words of Ghandi – “It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there will be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from you action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

“Alongside the intense immersion into the teachings of the sessions, there was also the opportunity for campfire camaraderie in the evenings and critical introspection in the morning. As well as the opportunity to explore American cultural touchstones – s’mores and BBQs! – it really helped in building solid relationships which have hopefully led to an abiding fellowship. The Byron Fellowship’s genuine desire to improve someone else’s life is truly inspiring and, for my part, greatly appreciated.”

Information on the current Byron Fellowship opportunities can be found on our Byron Fellowship web page