UK archives of post-war science – notes towards a list
By Jon Agar, on 17 December 2013
I’m working my way fairly systematically through the catalogues of UK archives relating to post-war science, and thought it would be useful to me, and perhaps others, to keep a running list of scientists’ collections. Here’s the list so far, with links via Access to Archives, Janus and other pages. Let me know, via the comments, if you know more …
- Edward ABRAHAM at Oxford, Bodleian (2450 items)
- John Frank ADAMS at Cambridge, Trinity College (1211 files)
- Edgar Douglas ADRIAN at Cambridge, Trinity College
- L. Bruce ARCHER at the Royal College of Art (34 boxes)
- William Thomas ASTBURY at Leeds (378 files)
- Francis Thomas BACON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (2041 files)
- Ralph Alger BAGNOLD at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (12 boxes)
- John Fleetwood BAKER at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (200 boxes)
- John Randal BAKER at Oxford, Bodleian (110 files)
- Ernest Hubert Francis BALDWIN at UCL (425 files)
- Geoffrey Cecil BARKER at Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College
- Harold BARLOW at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (19 boxes)
- Leslie Fleetwood BATES at Nottingham
- Geoffrey BEALE at Edinburgh (43 boxes)
- Richard Alan BEATTY at Edinburgh (9 boxes)
- Hugh BEAVER at LSE
- George Douglas Hutton BELL at John Innes Centre
- Thomas Brooke BENJAMIN at Oxford Bodleian (275 files)
- John Desmond BERNAL at Cambridge UL (118 boxes)
- Joseph BLACK at University of Bath (4 boxes)
- Carlos Paton BLACKER at Wellcome Library (29 boxes and online)
- Patrick Maynard Stuart BLACKETT at Royal Society (1362 files)
- Geoffrey Emett BLACKMAN at Oxford Bodleian (286 files)
- Jack BLEARS at Manchester MSIM (28 boxes)
- Walter BODMER at Oxford, Bodleian (2216 boxes)
- David BOHM at Birkbeck (10 boxes)
- Hermann BONDI at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (147 boxes)
- Henry Albert BOOT at IEE (124 files)
- Andrew BOOTH at National Archive for the History of Computing, Manchester
- Max BORN at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (84 boxes)
- Keith Frederick BOWDEN at Essex (96 files)
- Vivian BOWDEN at Manchester (293 items)
- Edward George BOWEN at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (11 boxes)
- Lawrence BRAGG at Royal Institution (93 boxes)
- Sydney BRENNER at Cold Spring Harbor and Wellcome Library online
- Mark BRETSCHER at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (11 boxes)
- Jacob BRONOWSKI at Jesus College, Cambridge (in process of cataloguing)
- George Lindor BROWN at the Royal Society
- Frederick BRUNDRETT at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (2 boxes)
- Edward Crisp BULLARD at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (117 boxes)
- Eric Henry Stoneley BURHOP at UCL (49 files)
- George Norman BURKHARDT at Manchester (39 items)
- Joshua Harold BURN at Oxford, History of Neuroscience Library (20 files)
- Roy CAMERON at UCL (12 files)
- James CASSELS at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (5 boxes)
- James CHADWICK at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (73 boxes)
- Ernst Boris CHAIN at Wellcome Library (65 boxes)
- Colin CHERRY at Imperial College (350 files)
- Douglas Richard CHICK at IEE (23 boxes)
- Carol CHURCHER at Wellcome Library (2 boxes)
- Cyril Astley CLARKE at Liverpool (16 boxes)
- Patricia Hannah CLARKE at UCL (9 boxes)
- Robert COCKBURN at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (6 boxes)
- John COCKCROFT at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (124 boxes)
- David Edwin COOMBE at University of Bath (74 boxes)
- Charles Alfred COULSON at Oxford, Bodleian
- Keith Gordon COX at Oxford MNH (500 items)
- Francis CRICK at Wellcome Library (331 boxes and online)
- Frederick Sydney DAINTON at Sheffield (156 boxes)
- Henry Hallett DALE at Royal Society (1077 files)
- Cyril Dean DARLINGTON at Oxford Bodleian (247 boxes)
- Cyril Dean DARLINGTON at John Innes Centre
- John Grant DAVIES (at Jodrell Bank Archive), Manchester
- Peter DAWSON at Manchester MSIM (276 files)
- George DEACON at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton
- Herbert DINGLE at Imperial College (20 boxes)
- Robert William DITCHBURN at Reading (4 boxes)
- Wilfrid Hogarth DOWDESWELL at Bath (9 boxes)
- Ian DUNHAM at Wellcome Library (17 boxes, 1 oversize box)
- Richard DURBIN at Wellcome Library (34 boxes)
- Eric EASTWOOD at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (66 boxes)
- James Marmaduke EDMONDS at Oxford MNH (400 items)
- Alfred Charles Glyn EGERTON at Royal Society (34 boxes)
- Alfred Charles Glyn EGERTON at Imperial College (12 boxes)
- Charles ELTON at Oxford, Bodleian (276 files)
- George Clifford EVANS at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (5 boxes)
- Ulick Richardson EVANS at Cambridge UL
- Norman FEATHER at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (72 boxes)
- Honor Bridget FELL at Wellcome Library (11 boxes, 3 large boxes and online)
- Malcolm FERGUSON-SMITH at Glasgow and Wellcome Library online
- James FISHER at Natural History Museum
- Harold Walter FLOREY at Royal Society (539 files)
- Edmund Brisco FORD at Oxford Bodleian (38 boxes)
- Peter Howard FOWLER at Bristol (33 boxes)
- Harold Munro FOX at Imperial College (7 boxes)
- Frederick Charles FRANK at Bristol (45 boxes)
- Rosalind FRANKLIN at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (24 boxes) and Wellcome Library online
- Albert FREEDMAN at University of Bath (35 boxes)
- Otto Robert FRISCH at Cambridge, Trinity College (70 boxes)
- Dennis GABOR at Imperial College
- Stanley GILL at Science Museum Library (244 files)
- Harry GODWIN at Cambridge, Clare College (6 boxes)
- Thomas GOLD at the Royal Society (28 boxes)
- Charles Frederick GOODEVE at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (40 boxes)
- Alan William GREENWOOD at Edinburgh (6 boxes)
- Hans GRUNEBERG at Wellcome Library (18 boxes and online)
- John Alan GULLAND at Imperial College
- John Burdon Sanderson HALDANE at UCL and Wellcome Library online
- William Donald Hamilton at the British Library (no electronic record, but handlist available at BL)
- Alister Clavering HARDY at Oxford Bodleian (444 files)
- John Laker HARLEY at Oxford Bodleian
- Geoffrey Wingfield HARRIS at Oxford, Bodleian (24 boxes)
- Douglas HARTREE at Cambridge, Christ’s College (4 boxes)
- Douglas HARTREE at National Archive for the History of Computing, Manchester
- Harold HARTLEY at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (285 boxes)
- William HAWTHORNE at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (241 boxes)
- Humphrey HEWER at Imperial College (198 items)
- Anthony HEWISH at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (9 boxes)
- Harold HEYWOOD at Imperial College (7 boxes)
- Archibald Vivian HILL at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (71 boxes)
- John McGregor HILL at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (15 boxes)
- Robert HILL at Cambridge UL (45 boxes)
- Christopher HINTON at IME Library (93 boxes)
- Christopher HINTON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (6 boxes)
- Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HODGKIN at Oxford Bodleian (232 boxes)
- Lancelot HOGBEN at Birmingham (82 items)
- Fred HOYLE at Cambridge, St John’s College
- William HUME-ROTHERY at Oxford, Bodleian (11 boxes)
- Kenneth HUTCHISON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (11 boxes)
- Willis JACKSON at Imperial College
- Bertha JEFFERYS at Cambridge, St John’s College (55 boxes)
- Harold JEFFRYS at Cambridge, St John’s College (69 boxes)
- John Leonard JINKS a Birmingham (68 folders)
- Matthew JONES at Wellcome Library (2 boxes)
- Reginald Victor JONES at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (230 boxes)
- Piotr Leonidovich KAPITZA at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (17 files)
- Bernard Augustus KEEN at UCL (6 files)
- Andrew KELLER at Bristol (2450 items)
- John Cowdery KENDREW at Oxford Bodleian (2000 items)
- John Stodart KENNEDY at Imperial College (41 boxes)
- Peter KENT at Nottingham (94 boxes)
- Aaron KLUG at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (300 boxes) – not open yet
- Hans Adolf KREBS at Sheffield (257 boxes)
- John David LAWSON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (7 boxes)
- Edmund Ronald LEACH at Cambridge, King’s College (86 boxes)
- John LENNARD-JONES at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre
- Frederick Alexander LINDEMANN at Oxford, Nuffield College (2574 files)
- Edward Hubert LINFOOT at Cambridge UL
- Patrick LINSTEAD at Imperial College
- Otto LOEWI at Royal Society
- Christopher LONGUET-HIGGINS at the Royal Society
- Kathleen LONSDALE at UCL (further papers held privately)
- Bernard LOVELL (Jodrell Bank Archive) at Manchester
- Gordon MANLEY at Cambridge UL (27 boxes)
- Gordon MANLEY at Durham (1 metre)
- Sidnie Milana MANTON at Natural History Museum
- Roy MARKHAM at John Innes Centre
- John MAYNARD SMITH at the British Library (700 files, plus floppy disks)
- Colin William Fraser MCCLARE at King’s College
- James Dwyer MCGEE at Imperial College (55 files)
- William Stuart MCKERROW at Oxford, Natural History Museum (500 items)
- Anne MCLAREN at British Library (152 items)
- Peter MEDAWAR at Wellcome Library (47 boxes and online)
- Helen MEGAW at Cambridge, Girton College (33 boxes)
- Lise MEITNER at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (91 boxes)
- Kurt Alfred Georg MENDELSSOHN at Oxford, Bodleian (28 boxes)
- Alec MERRISON at Bristol (38 boxes)
- Donald MICHIE at British Library (948 files)
- Edward Arthur MILNE at Oxford Bodleian (11 boxes)
- Cesar MILSTEIN at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (1050 items)
- Joseph Stanley MITCHELL at Cambridge UL (146 boxes)
- Peter Dennis MITCHELL at Cambridge UL (2900 items)
- Philip Burton MOON at Birmingham (8 boxes)
- Arthur Ernest MOURANT at Wellcome Library (48 boxes and online)
- Nevill Francis MOTT at Cambridge UL (230 items)
- Dorothy Mary Moyle NEEDHAM at Cambridge, Girton College (153 files)
- Joseph NEEDHAM at Cambridge UL (3400 items)
- Joseph NEEDHAM at Imperial War Museum (150 items)
- Max NEWMAN at Cambridge, St John’s College (5 boxes)
- Peter NIBLETT at Manchester MSIM (6 boxes)
- Ronald George Weyford NORRISH at Cambridge UL
- Henry Proctor PALMER (at Jodrell Bank Archive), Manchester
- Carl Frederick Abel PANTIN at Cambridge, Trinity College (15 files)
- Robert PEERS at Nottingham (7 boxes)
- Rudolf Ernst PEIERLS at Oxford, Bodleian (544 files)
- Lionel PENROSE at UCL (96 boxes) and the Wellcome Library online
- Max PERUTZ at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (45 boxes)
- Rudolf Albert PETERS at Oxfird, Bodleian (11 boxes)
- David Chilton PHILLIPS at Oxford Bodleian (288 boxes)
- Alfred John PIPPARD at Imperial College (7 boxes)
- Guido PONTECORVO at Glasgow and Wellcome Library online
- George PORTER at Royal Institution (121 boxes)
- John Guy PORTER at Royal Greenwich Observatory archive (3 boxes)
- Rodney Robert PORTER at Oxford, Bodleian
- Cecil Frank POWELL at Bristol
- Joseph PRESTON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (8 boxes plus a roll)
- John William Sutton PRINGLE at Oxford, Bodleian (90 boxes), supplementary collection here (32 items)
- Dietrich PRINZ at National Archive for the History of Computing, Manchester
- Robert RACE at Wellcome Library and online
- Richard RADO at Reading (59 boxes)
- Jack RATCLIFFE at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (32 boxes)
- John RANDALL at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (19 boxes)
- Roderick REDMAN at Royal Greenwich Observatory archive (22 boxes)
- James RENWICK at Glasgow and Wellcome Library online
- Rex RICHARDS at Oxford Bodleian (69 boxes)
- Eric Keihtley RIDEAL at Royal Institution (2 boxes)
- Robert ROBINSON at Royal Society (580 items)
- Joseph ROTBLAT at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (292 boxes)
- Leonard ROTHERHAM at Bath (19 boxes)
- Francis John Worsley ROUGHTON at Cambridge UL (250 items)
- Albert Percival ROWE at Imperial War Museum
- James Henderson SANG at Edinburgh (4 files)
- Fred SANGER at Wellcome Library (10 boxes and online)
- Ruth SANGER at Wellcome Library and online
- Peter Markham SCOTT at Cambridge UL (7800 items)
- George William SERIES at Reading (12 boxes)
- Robert Beresford Seymour SEWELL at Natural History Museum (9 boxes)
- George Lennox Sharman SHACKLE at Cambridge UL (28 boxes)
- Oswald John SILBERRAD at Science Museum Library (5300 items)
- Conrad SLATER (at Jodrell Bank Archive), Manchester
- Francis Graham SMITH (at Jodrell Bank Archive), Manchester
- Frank SMITH at Imperial College (6 items)
- Kenneth Manley SMITH at Oxford, Institute of Virology (151 files)
- Frank SMITHIES at Cambridge, St John’s College (34 boxes, 8 albums)
- Frederick SODDY at Oxford, Bodleian (258 items)
- Harold SPENCER JONES at Royal Greenwich Observatory archives (3.5 cubic metres)
- Maurice STACEY at Birmingham (149 items)
- Walter STILES at Birmingham (78 files)
- Edmund Clifton STONER at Leeds (28 boxes)
- Christopher STRACHEY at Oxford Bodleian (55 boxes)
- John SULSTON at Wellcome Library (139 boxes, 2 outsize boxes, 19 outsize folders)
- Gordon Brims Black McIvor SUTHERLAND at Cambridge UL (29 boxes)
- John SUTTON at Imperial College (13 boxes)
- Richard Laurence Millington SYNGE at Cambridge, Trinity College Library (1700 items)
- Geoffrey Ingram TAYLOR at Cambridge, Trinity College (14 boxes)
- Nikolaas TINBERGEN at Oxford Bodleian (181 items)
- D’Arcy Wentworth THOMPSON at St Andrews (225 boxes)
- Harold Warris THOMPSON at Royal Society (40 feet)
- Michael Warwick THOMPSON at Birmingham (12 boxes)
- George Paget THOMSON at Cambridge, Trinity College (60 boxes)
- Alexander TODD at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (245 boxes)
- Samuel TOLANSKY at UCL (22 boxes)
- Alan Mathison TURING at Cambridge, King’s College (6 boxes)
- Alan Mathison TURING at National Archive for the History of Computing, Manchester
- Alfred Rene Jean Paul UBBELOHDE at Imperial College (37 files)
- Conrad Hal WADDINGTON at Edinburgh (57 boxes)
- Lawrence Rickard WAGER at Oxford, Natural History Museum (1200 items)
- Francis Martin Rouse WALSHE at UCL (5 boxes)
- Ernest WALTON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (3 boxes)
- Claude Wilson WARDLAW at Manchester (105 items)
- Frederick Edward WARNER at Essex (2500 items)
- David Meredith Seares WATSON at UCL
- James WATSON at Cold Spring Harbor and Wellcome Library online
- Torkel WEIS-FOGH at Cambridge UL
- Maurice WILKES at Cambridge, St. John’s Library
- Maurice WILKINS at King’s College London (170 boxes) and Wellcome Library online
- Denys WILKINSON at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (9 boxes)
- Frederic C. WILLIAMS (at National Archive for the History of Computing), Manchester
- Ian WILMUT at Edinburgh (c. 70 boxes)
- Richard WHIDDINGTON at Leeds (48 files)
- Harold WOOLHOUSE at John Innes Centre
- Gerard WYATT at Wellcome Library (2 boxes and online)
- Charles Maurice YONGE at Natural History Museum (44 boxes)
- Christopher Alwyne Jack YOUNG at Science Museum Library (22 boxes)
- John Zachary YOUNG at UCL (66 boxes catalogued, more info here)
- Solly ZUCKERMAN at University of East Anglia
Plus a few corporate or group archives:
- Anglo-Australian Telescope project papers at Royal Greenwich Observatory archives
- Association of Teachers of Domestic Science at Warwick Modern Records Centre
- Eugenics Society at Wellcome Library (158 boxes and online)
- Ferranti Collection at Manchester MSIM (700 boxes)
- Ferranti family papers at Manchester MSIM (148 files)
- History of Fusion at Cambridge, Churchill Archives Centre (5 boxes)
- Institute of Animal Genetics at Edinburgh (4 boxes)
- John Innes Centre
- King’s College Biochemistry Department at King’s College Liddell Hart Centre
- Medical Research Council Blood Group Unit at Wellcome Library (65 boxes and online)
- Metropolitan Vickers at Manchester MSIM (32 files)
- National Institute of Agricultural Botany Historical Archive
- Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project at King’s College London (591 boxes)
- Oxford Enzyme Group at Oxford Bodleian (21 boxes)
- Plant Breeding Institute at John Innes Centre
- Roslin Institute and predecessor institutions at Edinburgh (c.900 boxes)
- Royal Agricultural College at RAC
- Royal Society collections
- Schools Council Integrated Science Project at King’s College London (56 boxes)
- Strangeways Research Laboratory at the Wellcome Library (31 boxes)
- Voices of Science, by the Oral History of British Science project at British Library
The list was mostly generated by using a keyword ‘science’ and restricting the search to 1945-2012, and then going through the 24,480 results. That might sound a lot, but I know for a fact that it misses some collections! After seeking suggestions, I have also trawled the Churchill Archives Centre for scientists, and used National Register of Archives.
I intend to keep this list updated.
Thanks to the following for suggestions: John Forrester, Peter Collins, Stephen Boyd Davis, Richard Noakes, Christoph Laucht, Mauro Capocci, John Faithfull, Simon Chaplin, Jean-Baptiste Gouyon, Chris, Dmitry Myelnikov, Dominic Berry, Alex Hall, Nancy Anderson, Clare Button, Joanna Corden, Jacob Hamblin, Tim Powell, and Jenny Shaw.
32 Responses to “UK archives of post-war science – notes towards a list”
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Jean-Baptiste Gouyon wrote on 18 December 2013:
Would the papers of Solly Zuckerman at the University of East Anglia ( be relevant?
Jean-Baptiste -
Chris wrote on 18 December 2013:
Maurice Frederick Wilkins at King’s College London (170 boxes) -
Chris wrote on 18 December 2013:
Also Sir John Turton Randall at Churchill Archives to go with the papers of Henry Albert Boot. -
Dmitriy Myelnikov wrote on 18 December 2013:
Anne McLaren and Donald Michie’s archives are in the British Library, Add MS 83830-83981 and Add MS 88958, respectively
Jenny Shaw wrote on 18 December 2013:
I’d recommend also searching the National Register of Archives as it is more up to date and covers a wider geographical area than Access to Archives:
As Access to Archives is no longer added to it doesn’t include more recently deposited collections, whereas the National Register of Archives is updated each year through submissions from archives. Access to Archives also only covers England and Wales, whereas the National Register of Archives covers the whole UK.
If you use the description field it’s possible to search for a wide-range of scientific epithets (chemist, geneticist, crystallographer). It isn’t possible to sort the results or to limit the search to a date range, but you do only get one record per scientist so there is a lot less to wade through. -
HPSGlonk wrote on 18 December 2013:
One fairly major oversight are the archives of the National Institute of Agricultural Botany.
Alex Hall wrote on 19 December 2013:
Thanks for a great list.
Perhaps the climatologist Gordon Manley may be of interest most of his papers are at Cambridge (;sib0=1305), whilst some are also held at Durham (
Nancy Anderson wrote on 21 December 2013:
Hi, Jon. Jacob Bronowski’s papers were moved from Toronto to Cambridge (last year?). Jesus College just hired a cataloguer for the collection, I think.
Clare Button wrote on 6 January 2014:
Dear Jon,
Many thanks for your work compiling this informative list. Here are some more collections relating to animal genetics and individual scientists currently catalogued as part of the Wellcome Trust-funded ‘Towards Dolly’ project at the University of Edinburgh Library Special Collections:
James Henderson Sang (4 files)
Richard Alan Beatty (9 boxes)
Alan William Greenwood (6 boxes)
Ian Wilmut (c.70 boxes)
Geoffrey Beale (43 boxes)
Roslin Institute and predecessor institutions (c.900 boxes)
Institute of Animal Genetics (4 boxes)The catalogues are mounted on the website (link above) once they become available.
Kind regards,
Clare Button
Joanna Corden wrote on 7 January 2014:
I don’t see the papers of Max Born listed, though i understand they have been moved to Churchill College Cambridge. His Son gustav Born has deposited his papers with the Royal Society
Tim Powell wrote on 18 March 2014:
Joseph Black, David Edwin Coombe and Albert Freedman, at the University of Bath
Tim Powell wrote on 18 March 2014:
In fact, looking more closely, I can see how badly the old NCUACS is missed. Here’s a link to the list of our catalogues. -
Susan wrote on 22 May 2014:
You can now add the link to the catalogue for the archive of Sir Walter Bodmer and Lady Julia Bodmer. See . You might also find our subject guide to scientific archives at the Bodleian useful: .
Katrina Dean wrote on 11 March 2015:
William Donald Hamilton and John Maynard Smith at the British Library. Both are substantial. Maynard Smith is in the online archives and manuscripts catalogue.
Katrina Dean wrote on 12 March 2015:
Forgot this group of notebooks of psychologist and cybernetics pioneer William Ross Ashby. originals at the BL but digitised collection courtesy of family is here:
Whewell’s Gazette: Vol. #39 | Whewell's Ghost wrote on 16 March 2015:
[…] UCL: STS Observatory: UK archives of post-war science – notes towards a list […]
prof premraj pushpakaran wrote on 25 November 2017:
prof premraj pushpakaran writes — 2017 marks the centenary year of John Cowdery Kendrew!!!
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Junior Hidayat wrote on 6 December 2021:
Amazing things here. I’m very happy to see your post, Regards
We will send a full list of contemporary biomedical archives at the Wellcome Library, but just to flag up that a number of these, plus some archives from partner libraries, are also digitised and online via our Codebreakers project. They include the archives of Francis Crick, CP Blacker, Honor Fell, Hans Gruneberg, Peter Medawar, AE Mourant, Robert Race and Ruth Sanger, Gerald Wyatt and the late Fred Sanger. The collection also includes the archives of JBS Haldane and Lionel Penrose from UCL; Jim Watson and Sydney Brenner from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Rosalind Franklin from Churchill College Cambridge; Maurice Wilkins/MRC Biophysics Unit from KCL and Guido Pontecorvo, Malcolm Ferguson-Smith and James Renwick from the University of Glasgow. There are also a couple of institutional archives – the MRC Blood Group Unit and the Eugenics Society.