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STS Observatory



More Blogs

By Jon Agar, on 10 October 2008

This STS Observatory is a new experience for some of us at the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS). So what other related blogs are out there? Peter Smith recently sent me this list of blogs that interest him. I post it without comment. I’m planning to put together a brief guide to blogs that relate to science policy, history of science, philosophy of science, SSK, etc etc, so if you have any suggestions, please add a comment. (JA)


These are some other blogs/sites that might be of interest:
Homunculus (P Ball’s blog) http://philipball.blogspot.com/
Old is the New New (science historian Rob MacDougall’s page
Zimmer’s Loom: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom/
Question technology http://questiontechnology.blogs.com/blog/
Science books blog http://sciencebooksblog.blogspot.com/
Edge http://www.edge.org/
LabLit http://www.lablit.com/
Thales & Friends http://www.thalesandfriends.org/en/index.php
Museum of Jurassic technology http://www.mjt.org/
Wired Science blogs http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/
Steven Johnson http://www.stevenberlinjohnson.com/
New Scientist blog
Nature’s blog site: http://www.nature.com/blogs/
Science Blogs: http://www.scienceblogs.com/
Of course SciTech Daily http://www.scitechdaily.com/
has a listing of science sites, blogs & journals (left-hand side of the page) that has a few
more interesting ones. Including:

the Scientific Activist http://scienceblogs.com/scientificactivist/
Science and Society http://scienceandsociety.net/

And there’s Peter’s own Kafka’s Mouse http://www.peterdsmith.com/

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