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Archive for the 'Graphic Novels' Category

Dr Daniel Boswell

By Rebecca Markwick, on 27 July 2021

Daniel talks about how comics helped him learn a new language when he was young and how wide a variety of styles there are to suit every taste.

Show Notes

Part One: I chat with Dr Daniel Boswell about comics research, the way comics can help learn new languages, how they are therapeutic, and how different styles mean that pretty much everyone is covered if they would like a comfort comic book!

Mentioned in this episode are:
Asterix and Obelix

Alan Moore
Garth Ennis
Patrick Zircher
Jimmy Palmiotti

Part Two: I conclude my chat with Daniel about comics and we chat and laugh about tie-ins, keeping fans on side, character design, the brilliant rise of creator owned IP, and the expressive art found in comics. This episode has plenty of laughs, me chatting horses in comics, and Daniel struggling to pick his favourite IP.

Things mentioned in the episode:
Black Widow

Rob Liefeld
Louise Simonson
Paper Girls
Miss Marvel
Marvel Assembly
– Preeti Chibber
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
The Inhumans
Marvel Knights
Blade Runner
The Avengers
The Walking Dead
The Flash

Dr Strange
Savage Avengers

The Joker
The Riddler
Jim Lee
Frank Miller
Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing
Shirow Masamune
Ghost in the Shell
Kieran Gillan’s The Wicked and the Divine

Ram V

By Rebecca Markwick, on 6 July 2021

Ram talks all about how he became a comics writer and why he feels that more representation is needed in the industry.

Show Notes

I chat with award winning comic writer Ram V this week all about how he fell into writing for comics and his interesting journey into reading comics. We discuss how comics are subtle or not so subtle pieces of social commentary, how representation and  new takes on classic characters is essential for the future of comics.

Links to:
Ram’s website
Ram’s Twitter

Works and creators mentioned in the episode:
Joe Abercrombie
Jon Delillo
Bill Sienkiewicz
Liam Sharp
Sandman by Neil Gaiman
Sequential Art by Will Eisner
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
Black Mumba by Ram V
Alan Moore
Swamp Thing by Alan Moore
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Essex County Trilogy by Jeff Lemire
Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire
The Picture of Everything Else by Dan Watters
Pluto by Naoki Urasawa
20th Century Boys by Naoki Urasawa

Joanne Harris

By Rebecca Markwick, on 1 June 2021

I chat with Joanne about her new book Honeycomb, the therapeutic effects of reading whilst undergoing hospital treatment, and how important good translations are.

Show Notes

I chat with the wonderful Joanne Harris MBE, an author across an incredible number of media. We chat about the therapeutic effects of reading and writing, how personifying illness can be beneficial and the ups and downs of translations. We have a very interting chat about reading as a bilingual, the joy of graphic novels, and sneaking those books your mother doesn’t want you to read at the library.

Works and authors mentioned:
Lee Child
Georgette Heyer
Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
Gustave Flaubert
Andre Gide
Guy de Maupassant
Alexandre Dumas
Francoise Mauriac
Stephen King
George R.R. Martin
Mervyn Peake
Agatha Christie
Laura Grandi Italian translator and author
P.G. Wodehouse
John Mortimer
Sandman by Neil Gaiman
Brian Vaughan
Becoming Unbecoming by Una
Chi’s Sweet Home by Kanata Konami
Inkblot by Emma Kubert and Rusty Glad
Wayfareres Series by Becky Chambers

Alasdair Stuart

By Rebecca Markwick, on 25 May 2021

I chat with multiple Hugo nominated Alasdair Stuart, pop culture journalist and podcast host. We chat all about the therapeutic effects of reading and writing, the community nature of genre pop culture and how it feels to be a journalist both participating in and commentating on the IP of those communities.

Show Notes

I chat with the wonderful Audioverse Award winner and multiple Hugo and BFA finalist pop culture journalist and podcaster Alasdair Stuart all about the therapeutic effects of reading, consuming media, and writing about your favourite things. This is a fun lively chat that goes from magicians Penn and Teller all the way to The Abyss, stopping via Nick Cage and a Dalek Escape Room. All in all a wonderful insight into the perspective of a pop culture journalist writing on very popular IP with steadfast and vocal fans.
Photo credit to ©Edge Portraits 2019

Link to Alasdair’s website
Link to Alasdair’s Twitter
Link to The Full Lid
Link to the Escape Artists podcast website where you’ll find PseudoPod and the Escape Pod
Link to Alasdair’s Twitch

List of things mentioned in the podcast:
Six Stories by Matt Wesolowski
More than Meets the Eye  (Transformers comic)
Lost Light
 (Transformers comic)
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett

Film, TV, nd Theatre
Red Dwarf
Twilight Zone Theatrical Production
The Abyss
Doctor Who
Parks and Recreation
New Girl

IGNYTE awards
Aurealis awards
Sir Julius Vogel Award (The Vogel’s)

Professor Raymond Mar

By Rebecca Markwick, on 26 January 2021

Professor Raymond Mar

This week we chat to Professor Raymond Mar of the MAR Lab (York University, Canada). Raymond is a Professor of psychology and employs personality, social, and cognitive psychology along with neuroscience to study imaginative experiences such as engaging with fictional narratives acrossdifferent forms media.

We talk all about the effects of narrative on social cognition, his psychology studies, and how this research area is full of interesting topics to explore.

Show Notes
This week we chat to Professor Raymond Mar of the MAR Lab (York University, Canada). Raymond is a Professor of psychology and employs personality, social, and cognitive psychology along with neuroscience to study imaginative experiences such as engaging with fictional narratives acrossdifferent forms media. We talk all about the effects of narrative on social cognition, some surprising results of his psychology studies, and how this relatively new research area is full of interesting topics to explore.

Link to the MAR Lab published papers
Highly recommend reading some of the papers published by Raymond’s lab.
Here are a few relevant papers:
Link to Elizabeth van Monsjou & Raymond Mar’s study on shipping mentioned in the episode
Link to Raymond Mar’s article in Current Directions in Psychological Science about Stories and the Promotion of Social Cognition
Link to an article on how humour appreciation and prodution have different predictors

Works mentioned in the podcast:
Poetics by Aristotle
Short stories from The New Yorker

Ian Evans

By Rebecca Markwick, on 29 December 2020

Ian Evans

Ian Evans

This week’s guest is Ian Evans, UCL’s Publishing MA and DIS reserach students’ administrator. We discuss reading, graphic novels, and the the effects of lockdown on Ian’s reading habits.

Head to the show notes for links and a list of authors and books mentioned in the podcast.

Show Notes
In this Shelf Healing interview we chat to Ian Evans, UCL’s Publishing MA and DIS reserach students’ administrator. We discuss reading, graphic novels, the effects of lockdown on Ian’s reading habits, and what literature he reaches for to improve his own mental health.

Link to Ian’s twitter account

Books and authors mentioned in the podcast:
Alan Moore
John Higgs
James Roberts
Oliver Burkeman

Vanity Fair by William Thackeray
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Jerusalem by Alan Moore
Watchmen by Alan Moore
V for Vendetta by Alan Moore
Prometheo by Alan Moore
The Bible
Stranger Than We Can Imagine by John Higgs
Watling Street by John Higgs
The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye  by James Roberts
A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
Help! How to Become Slightly Happier and Get a Bit More Done by Oliver Burkeman
The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking by Oliver Burkeman