Alasdair Stuart
By Rebecca Markwick, on 25 May 2021

I chat with multiple Hugo nominated Alasdair Stuart, pop culture journalist and podcast host. We chat all about the therapeutic effects of reading and writing, the community nature of genre pop culture and how it feels to be a journalist both participating in and commentating on the IP of those communities.
Show Notes
I chat with the wonderful Audioverse Award winner and multiple Hugo and BFA finalist pop culture journalist and podcaster Alasdair Stuart all about the therapeutic effects of reading, consuming media, and writing about your favourite things. This is a fun lively chat that goes from magicians Penn and Teller all the way to The Abyss, stopping via Nick Cage and a Dalek Escape Room. All in all a wonderful insight into the perspective of a pop culture journalist writing on very popular IP with steadfast and vocal fans.
Photo credit to ©Edge Portraits 2019
Link to Alasdair’s website
Link to Alasdair’s Twitter
Link to The Full Lid
Link to the Escape Artists podcast website where you’ll find PseudoPod and the Escape Pod
Link to Alasdair’s Twitch
List of things mentioned in the podcast:
Six Stories by Matt Wesolowski
More than Meets the Eye (Transformers comic)
Lost Light (Transformers comic)
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
Film, TV, nd Theatre
Red Dwarf
Twilight Zone Theatrical Production
The Abyss
Doctor Who
Parks and Recreation
New Girl
IGNYTE awards
Aurealis awards
Sir Julius Vogel Award (The Vogel’s)