Work & Life: Cat Mitchell and Dan Holloway – Accessibility and Disability in the Workplace
By Rebecca Markwick, on 15 April 2021

I chat with Cat and Dan all about how disability and accessibility affect the workplace, jobseekers, and how important it is to include those for whom you are making adjustments in the decision making process.
Show Notes
A brilliant episode in which myself, Cat Mitchell, and Dan Holloway discuss the role of accessibility in the workplace, how those with disabilities should be included in decision making processes for accesibility, and how the pandemic has affected the accessibility of the workplace. We also chat about our worries of the disabled community being left behind as the country leaves lockdown, and how accessibility needs to be incorporated into many more things including job applications and workplace culture.
We encourage you to engage with us on Twitter about the ideas in insights discussed in the podcast and look forward to hearing from you!
Link to Cat Mitchell’s Twitter
Link to Dan Holloway’s Twitter
Link to Rebecca’s Twitter
Link to Shelf Healing’s Twitter