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Add a digitised reading

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 16 September 2015

“How do I add a digitised reading to my online reading list?” is one of our most frequently asked questions.

Many core texts you are able to add yourself, where UCL already subscribes to the full text. Bookmark these types of resources into your reading list in the usual way:

If there is a key reading that you would like to make available, such as a chapter of a book with no existing online version, then the TLSS can help.  The TLSS manages UCL’s CLA licence which enables us to digitise readings within certain limits.  Send us a photocopy or pdf of the extract with a cover sheet.  We will:

  • Confirm receipt and give you an estimated timescale
  • Copyright check the reading and fulfil the technical and reporting requirements of the licence
  • Digitise and upload the reading. Highlight to students that the reading is digitised using the ‘student note’.
  • Email to notify you when the reading is available on the online reading list.

Using this route will ensure your readings are copyright compliant and accessible to students alongside all their other core readings.  Find more information on our course readings webpages.

For a reminder on how to get started with your online reading list, see the Quick Guide, look at our FAQs or call in to a Wednesday afternoon drop-in session.