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Organised Crime Research Network


A UCL-based research network on preventing and controlling organised crime


About the blog

The OCRN Blog is the main outlet through which the network disseminates news, invitations and other information.

In addition, it is a publishing platform where OCRN members and affiliates may publish short pieces related to organised crime research. These publications aim to showcase the research and professional activities of OCRN members, as well as to critically engage in the global conversation on organised crime.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the person(s) below:

Patricio R. Estévez-Soto (patricio.estevez.14@ucl.ac.uk), editor and administrator

Florian Hetzel (florian.hetzel.14@ucl.ac.uk), editor

Please note that all views or opinions expressed in this blog are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views of UCL, the Department of Security and Crime Science or the UCL Organised Crime Research Network.