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Open@UCL Blog



Spring dates for RPS and the REF open access policy training sessions

By Patrycja, on 26 March 2019

Booking is now open for training on RPS and the REF open access policy in April. Last term’s training sessions proved very popular, and feedback received was extremely positive: respondents found sessions very useful (65%) or useful (35%).

All UCL authors are required to maintain a list of their publications in UCL’s Research Publication Service (RPS). To comply with the REF open access policy, they must also upload the final accepted manuscript version of their research articles and conference proceedings to RPS. This needs to be done no later than three months after first online publication. The Open Access Team review the manuscript and make it open access through UCL Discovery, UCL’s open access repository.

Our training sessions will explain the REF open access policy and what to do to comply with its requirements. They will also show you how to, in RPS:

  • set up name-based search settings
  • use all the advantages of RPS’s automated claiming tool (including linking RPS to your ORCID ID)
  • record a publication
  • upload a file

The sessions will be a good opportunity to ask questions about RPS and the REF open access policy, and they are open to all UCL staff and interested research students. New members of staff, and anyone who is unsure about any of the features mentioned above, are strongly encouraged to attend. Regular reports on compliance with the REF open access policy, and on academics’ use of RPS, are sent to Faculty Deans and Heads of Department. 

Upcoming sessions

Thursday, 4th April, 14:00 – 15:00
Foster Court, room 132

Tuesday, 30th April, 11:00 – 12:00
Foster Court, room 235

To book, and if you have any questions, please email: open-access@ucl.ac.uk
Also let us know if you would like to organise group training or drop-in sessions in your department.

RPS and the REF open access policy training sessions – more dates

By Patrycja, on 18 October 2018

This academic year, UCL Open Access Team introduced a programme of regular training sessions on RPS and the REF open access policy. October dates proved very popular, and now we’ve added more sessions in November and early December.

All UCL authors are required to maintain a list of their publications in UCL’s Research Publication Service (RPS). To comply with the REF open access policy, they must also upload the final accepted manuscript version of their research articles and conference proceedings to RPS. This needs to be done no later than three months after first online publication. The Open Access Team review the manuscript and make it open access through UCL Discovery, UCL’s open access repository.

Our training sessions will explain the REF open access policy and what to do to comply with its requirements. They will also show you how to, in RPS:

  • set up name-based search settings
  • use all the advantages of RPS’s automated claiming tool (including linking RPS to your ORCID ID)
  • record a publication
  • upload a file

The sessions will be a good opportunity to ask questions about RPS and the REF open access policy, and they are open to all UCL staff and interested research students. New members of staff, and anyone who is unsure about any of the features mentioned above, are strongly encouraged to attend. Regular reports on compliance with the REF open access policy, and on academics’ use of RPS, are sent to Faculty Deans and Heads of Department. 

Upcoming sessions

Thursday, 1st November, 11:00 – 12:00
IOE, 20 Bedford Way, room W3.07

Tuesday, 6th November, 11:00 – 12:00
Foster Court, room 243

Tuesday, 20th November, 14:00 – 15:00
1-19 Torrington Place, room B09

Thursday, 6th December 11:00 – 12:00
1-19 Torrington Place, room B09

To book, and if you have any questions, please email: open-access@ucl.ac.uk
Also let us know if you would like to organise group training or drop-in sessions in your department.

RPS and REF open access policy training sessions

By Patrycja, on 27 September 2018

This academic year, UCL Open Access Team is introducing a programme of regular training sessions on RPS and the REF open access policy.

All UCL authors are required to maintain a list of their publications in UCL’s Research Publication Service (RPS). To comply with the REF open access policy, they must also upload the final accepted manuscript version of their research articles and conference proceedings to RPS. This needs to be done no later than three months after first online publication. The Open Access Team review the manuscript and make it open access through UCL Discovery, UCL’s open access repository.

Our training sessions will explain the REF open access policy and what to do to comply with its requirements. They will also show you how to, in RPS:

  • set up name-based search settings
  • use all the advantages of RPS’s automated claiming tool (including linking RPS to your ORCID ID)
  • record a publication
  • upload a file

The sessions will be a good opportunity to ask questions about RPS and the REF open access policy, and they are open to all UCL staff and interested research students. New members of staff, and anyone who is unsure about any of the features mentioned above, are strongly encouraged to attend. Regular reports on compliance with the REF open access policy, and on academics’ use of RPS, are sent to Faculty Deans and Heads of Department. 

Upcoming sessions

Tuesday, 9th October, 14:00 – 15:00
Engineering Front Building, room 104

Tuesday, 16th October, 12:00 – 13:00
IOE, 20 Bedford Way, room W2.06

Tuesday, 23rd October, 10:00 – 11:00
Engineering Front Building, room 104

To book, and if you have any questions, please email: open-access@ucl.ac.uk
Also let us know if you would like to organise group training or drop-in sessions in your department.


Automatic publication claiming in RPS

By Patrycja, on 24 October 2017

This year’s Open Access Week runs from 23-29 October under the theme “Open in order to…” This is an invitation to reflect on many benefits of making research publications openly available. We are excited to present a series of blog posts celebrating the Open Access Week, starting with the announcement of new RPS functionality that is now available to UCL authors.

Most UCL researchers are used to the way Research Publications Service (RPS) searches external databases (like Scopus and Web of Science) to find publications that may belong to UCL authors, based on their search settings. By default, suggested publications are put in the pending publications list, where they can be manually reviewed and claimed (or rejected). Now, though, after a recent upgrade, RPS is even better at helping UCL authors record their publications.

We are very excited about the latest upgrade to RPS that introduced new tool that helps authors to identify their papers: auto-claiming. More than 2,000 authors at UCL already use their ORCID in RPS, but UCL’s Research Publications Service can now find and claim even more papers, using even more identifiers including e-mail address. When RPS can tell that a paper belongs to the author, it claims it automatically.

This new tool helps researchers to identify their papers and record them in RPS quickly, as it minimises number of publications that are sent to the pending list and need to be verified by authors. Now, all they need to do is to upload the final accepted manuscript for their research articles and conference proceedings, in compliance with the REF open access policy. Deposited manuscripts are then made openly available via UCL Discovery, UCL’s institutional repository (after a delay period, if publisher requires it).

Authors can set RPS to automatically claim or reject their publications, if they contain any of the following identifiers:

  • e-mail addresses
  • arXiv Author Identifier
  • com account
  • Researcher ID
  • Scopus ID
  • SSRN Author ID

By default, the author’s UCL e-mail address is entered automatically, but other e-mail addresses used by researchers can be added.

Another very useful aspect of this new RPS feature is automated rejection of publications based on an identifier. When authors declare that certain identifier is not theirs, all publications that include that identifier will be automatically rejected and no longer be offered to the user for verification. This is particularly useful for authors with common names, and minimises the number of publications that are sent to the author’s pending publication list.

There is a guide explaining how to set up automated claiming available here, but if you have any questions about this or other aspects of RPS, please contact UCL Open Access Team at open-access@ucl.ac.uk