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UCL Culture Blog


News and musings from the UCL Culture team


Specimen of the Week 220: The Fossil Sea Lily

By Tannis Davidson, on 28 December 2015

LDUCZ-S31 Encrinus liliiformis

LDUCZ-S31 Encrinus liliiformis

It is perhaps no surprise that during December, most of the specimens featured in this blog tend to have associations with wintery Christmastime animals. There has been a reindeer, a polar bear, a robin, an owl and (last week) a partridge – all of which have been highlighted to kindle the yuletide cheer.

In a radical departure, here’s a specimen that has absolutely no connection to winter, snow or any December seasonal holiday. But does it bring joy? Yes. This is an amazing specimen. Would this be a great Christmas present? Absolutely. If you ever see one, keep me in mind.

Here it is – the one you’ve been waiting for – this week’s Specimen of the Week is the…
