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UCL Culture Blog


News and musings from the UCL Culture team


UCL Museums Student Events Team

By tcrnrh1, on 8 June 2015

Rachel again…

Back in February this year, UCL Museums ran a very special late night opening at the Grant Museum of Zoology around Valentine’s Day, called Animal Instincts: Sex and the Senses. Much fun and merriment was had by all with special lusty-themed cocktails, an animal photobooth, crafts and some particularly pungent ‘animal’ smelling boxes. Over the years UCL Museums have built up a reputation for putting on events such as these; however, for Animal Instincts, they handed over the reigns to the events programme to some of us UCL students.

A shot of the busy bar at our event "Animal Instincts: Sex and the Senses".

Farrah serving up a cocktail storm at the bar during the evening.
