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UCL Culture Blog


News and musings from the UCL Culture team


Egyptian Languages: Explained

By tcrnlmb, on 23 January 2018

In our collection, we have representations of texts in all the major Egyptian languages.

What, more than one? Yes! From ancient Egypt to historical Egypt to modern Egypt, there were many different scripts and languages used…


Limestone stela hieroglyph fragments with words from hymns (UC14583)

Limestone stela fragments with words from hymns (UC14583)


The script that is most recognisably Ancient Egyptian®. One of the oldest scripts used by the ancient Egyptians – and the script with the most longevity – its origins can be seen very early on in Egypt’s history, starting out life as single or small groups of signs that represented entire concepts or specific sounds. Already in the Early Dynastic Period (3100-2686BC), these signs were beginning to become standardised and by the 3rd Dynasty (2686-2613BC) were used in a wide range of contexts. They were, however, especially associated with religious texts, as it was believed that the beauty and monumental nature of hieroglyphs indicated that they were the ‘words of the gods’ (medu-netjer) and intended to be read by them.



Ready, Steady, Conservation!

By tcrnlmb, on 5 December 2017

An Update of Papyrus Conservation Using a Red Papyrus and a Green Papyrus

Since the last blog for the Papyrus for the People project, the conservation work on the Petrie Museum’s papyri has been progressing steadily and strongly. So much so, that it is nearly over! In light of this, I would love to share with you two of my favourite fixes that have occurred during this work.

 Ready Steady Conservation


Papyrus for the People Language Day

By tcrnlmb, on 30 August 2017

As part of the Papyrus for the People Project, we at the Petrie Museum hosted a day wherein specialists in Ancient Egyptian languages came in and looked at our collection.

The day started out with a team meeting; outlining the details of the project and the type of content we would like them to produce. See here for more information about the project itself.

Having got the admin out of the way, we proceeded to let the specialists have at it!

Language specialists looking into an open cupboard filled with papyri

If you stare too long into a papyrus cupboard, the papyrus cupboard stares back at you.
