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UCL Culture Blog


News and musings from the UCL Culture team


Spotlight on the Slade – February 2016 update

By Jenny M Wedgbury, on 17 February 2016

Anja Olofgörs, Social Constructs, 2015, © The Artist

Anja Olofgörs, Social Constructs, 2015, © The Artist

Acquisitions, prize-winning work and the continuing influence of the Slade collection

As UCL Art Museum’s Spotlight on the Slade project continues, I wanted to share two recent acquisitions, by two very different prize-winning Slade artists, studying and working almost a century apart: Jesse Dale Cast (1900-1976) and Anja Olofgörs (b.1987).

The acquisitions demonstrate not only the range of work within the Slade, but also how the collection continues to grow, recording the history of teaching and practice at the School, both through a prize system, which was instigated when the Slade was first established, and through subsequent gifts which support use of the collection. (more…)

Social Constructs, Slade Coldstream prize 2015

By Jenny M Wedgbury, on 31 July 2015

She reads:

“Where am I? Inside. Outside. Included. Excluded”
Pause. Changing page. She continues:
“ I, a mime student: an actor without words. I, a dancer: repeating movement by movement. Again and again”

Anja Olofgörs reading during performance of her piece Social Constructs

Anja Olofgörs reading during performance of her piece Social Constructs, Slade MA Degree Show, 2015
