Teacher, academic, benefactor, Doreen Woodford
By H Dominic W Stiles, on 6 January 2012
Update: Online obituary on the Guardian –
Sad news for many people, we have just heard that Doreen Woodford died on 31st of December 2011. I think she was aged about 85. Doreen was a regular visitor to the RNID Library over many years when she was doing research on one of her many books on Deaf History, struggling up the stairs despite problems with her leg. Most recently she wrote about the Exclusive Brethren, and it was then that we saw her here for the last time. She was a Teacher of the Deaf for much of her life but never really retired as she kept up her work helping Deaf young people in Africa. To that end she was a founder of the Woodford Foundation in 2004 – http://www.woodfordfoundation.org.uk/doreen-woodford/
There is a brief appreciation of her here – http://www.deafchurch.co.uk/site2/all-news14/news-deaf-christian-mainmenu-65/297-doreen-woodford-rip
I hope there will be longer obituaries in the British Deaf Times etc in the coming weeks.
These are some of Doreen’s books, many published by the British Deaf History Society –
Doreen E. Woodford, Who’s interpreting on Sunday morning? stories about deaf Exclusive Brethren. 2010
Doreen E. Woodford & Mary Plackett, A dynasty of magic. 2005
Doreen E. Woodford, Opened and closed. 2005
Doreen E. Woodford, Seventy-five remarkable years : a record of deaf people and the Girl Guide movement 1910-1985. 2005
Doreen E. Woodford, Arthur Henry Bather, 1829-1892. 2002
Doreen E. Woodford, Touch, touch and touch again. 2000
Doreen Woodford, Short Account of the History of a London School for the Deaf: Homerton, 1900-21 Companion Booklet to ” Early Photographs of a London School for the Deaf: Homerton, 1900-21″. 1998
Doreen Woodford, Early Photographs of a London School for the Deaf: Homerton, 1900-21. 1998
Doreen Woodford, A man and his school the story of the Llandaff School for the Deaf and Dumb.1996