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UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Information on the UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


The ‘new look’ blog

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 8 March 2019

You may well have noticed that the look of the blog has changed.  This is the result of a so-called ‘improvement’ which is nothing of the sort and unfortunately we have to live with it.  It means that I cannot re-size pictures – they appear fixed in size no matter what I try.  Also note that the title says the blog is ‘by’ and then has no name.  I am sharing this information as I do not want people to think the messy look of older posts is how they originally appeared.  I have written the blog for a number of years and this is the longest hiatus.  I hope that something will be done to actually improve the new look, otherwise I may not continue to blog here.

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