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Modern Languages Blog



E-resources – New trials and BFI InView

By ucylggg, on 24 October 2014

There are a few new E-resources trials available from now until November or December, and while not all new trials might be relevant to the modern languages scholar they might still be of interest.  Find out more from the Electronic Resources blog.

Perhaps more relevant is the BFI InView , why not check out the 1924 silent short-film  Cosmopolitan London that shows  an Italian butcher’s shop in Soho,  French bookshop, chemist’s, wine shop and cafe bar,  and even the  Scandinavian Temperance Home, admittedly it contains some dubious expressions, which also shows how much attitudes have changed. For something more topical watch a 1989 After Dark two-parter:  Britain: out on a Limb? a ‘coffee table’ discussion on Britain’s role in Europe.





The videos can be streamed and downloaded 







Remember that if you are logging in off-campus you’ll be ask to use your UCL username and password via Single log on.

Logging in BFIInView


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