Humanities periodicals
By Catherine Sharp, on 26 February 2009
Two new humanities titles have been added to UCL’s ejournals list:
Bookforum (May 2007-) (freely available)
Gender and Language (Vol. 1, 2007-)
News and information about ejournals, databases and ebooks at UCL
By Catherine Sharp, on 26 February 2009
Two new humanities titles have been added to UCL’s ejournals list:
Bookforum (May 2007-) (freely available)
Gender and Language (Vol. 1, 2007-)
By Catherine Sharp, on 9 February 2009
UCL now has access to British Periodicals Online. This resource traces the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian “age of periodicals” and beyond.
Among the contributors, editors and founders of these periodicals are a host of important figures: Walter Bagehot, Aubrey Beardsley, Annie Besant, William Cobbett, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Jerome K. Jerome, Samuel Johnson, Tobias Smollett and many more.
All the titles in British Periodicals appear individually in UCL’s ejournals list.
By Catherine Sharp, on 4 February 2009
UCL now has access to six circulation-related journals from the American Heart Association, published by Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins:
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging
Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Circulation: Heart Failure
UCL now also has access to MIDIRS Midwifery Digest.
All of these titles are accessible via the ejournals list.
By Catherine Sharp, on 9 October 2008
Particularly of interest to students and staff in the UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, we now have a subscription to Policing (Vol. 1, 2007-). This journal offers critical comment on and analysis of current policing policy and practice, comparative international policing practices, legal and political developments and academic research.
By Catherine Sharp, on 22 September 2008
These ejournals are new to UCL for September 2008:
Development Vol. 47, 2004-
Journal of Global Ethics Vol. 1, 2005-
Journal of International Political Theory Vol. 1, 2005-
Mobilization Vol. 1, 1996-
By Catherine Sharp, on 16 September 2008
The first issue of the new Journal of Egyptian History (Vol. 1(1), 2008) is freely available. This is currently the only issue that has been published. Library Services has taken out a subscription to this journal, so UCL users will have access to subsequent content when it appears.
By Catherine Sharp, on 15 September 2008
UCL has a new subscription to the New York Times Historical Archive (1851-2005.) As with all electronic journals, a link to this title appears on the ejournals list. A record for the New York Times will appear in the Library catalogue shortly.
If you want to search the archive by date, remember to use the American format (e.g. 4/16/1912 for 16th April 1912, which will find reports on the sinking of the Titanic.)
By Catherine Sharp, on 4 September 2008
UCL now has access to selected journals via POIESIS: Philosophy Online (click on login, then select the red link Enter Beta Version of Poiesis.) This is a new site; if any content is missing, you will find it at the old POIESIS site.
Please note that UCL does not have access to all the titles in POIESIS. The following journals are available:
By Catherine Sharp, on 3 September 2008
UCL students and staff now have access to the following Social & Historical Sciences ejournals:
By Catherine Sharp, on 3 September 2008
These ejournals are new to UCL:
Asian Journal of Comparative Law Vol. 1, 2006-
Capital Markets Law Journal Vol. 1, 2006-