Earth and Environmental Sciences backfile
By Lesley A Rogers, on 1 September 2008
UCL Library Services now subscribes to the Wiley-Blackwell Earth and Environmental Sciences backfile package which includes:
- Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica (currently known as CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water) Vol. 1, 1973-
- Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Vol. 1, 1991-
- Business Strategy and the Environment Vol. 1, 1992-
- Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (previously known as Earth Surface Processes) Vol. 1, 1976-
- Environmental Progress Vol. 1, 1982-
- Environmental Quality Management Vol. 1, 1991-
- Environmetrics Vol. 1, 1990-
- European Environment Vol. 1, 1991-
- Federal Facilities Environmental Journal Vol. 1, 1990-Vol. 17(1), 2006
- Geoarchaeology Vol. 1, 1986-
- Geological Journal Vol. 1, 1951-
- Hydrological Processes Vol. 1, 1986-
- International Journal of Climatology Vol. 1, 1981-
- Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie (currently known as International Review of Hydrobiology) Vol. 1, 1908-
- Journal of Quaternary Science Vol. 1, 1986-
- Land Degradation and Development Vol. 1, 1989-
- Meteorological Applications Vol. 1, 1994-
- Natural Gas (currently known as Natural Gas and Electricity) Vol. 2(8), 1986-
- Permafrost and Periglacial Processes Vol. 1, 1990-
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Vol. 1, 1873-
- Regulated Rivers: Research and Management (currently known as River Research and Applications) Vol. 1, 1987-
- Remediation Vol. 1, 1990-
- Sustainable Development Vol. 1, 1993-
- Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie (currently known as Journal of Basic Microbiology) Vol. 1, 1960-
- Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde (currently known as Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science) Vol. 1, 1922-