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LCCOS staff news


News for colleagues within the LCCOS department.


Automatic External Defibrillators(AEDs).

By Noel Forrester, on 3 June 2019

Unexpected cardiac trauma can happen to anyone, of any age, anywhere, at any time.  Automatic External Defibrillators can be used by anyone to shock a person’s heart back to normal rhythm if they suffer sudden cardiac arrest.

When used alongside cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), they raise the chance of survival from 9% to 50% when compared to the use of CPR alone.

UCL has installed a network of 30 AED devices across the main campus including the Main and Science Libraries  – please make a note of where your nearest AED is by clicking on the map of AED locations.

First aiders are encouraged to download the Good SAM app which alerts users if a member of the public in the immediate vicinity needs an AED or first aid. The Good SAM app is also a registry of over 40,000 public access AEDs throughout the UK.

Further information can be found on the Safety at UCL website.


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