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IOE Blog


Expert opinion from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


Quick thoughts on the emerging humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and among its neighbours

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 28 February 2022

Refugees from Ukraine at border posts in the west of the country28 February 2022

By Brad Blitz

As Putin’s assault on Ukraine continues, hundreds of thousands of people will seek safety in Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary. Only Poland has some recent experience of receiving mass flows of refugees, which was not handled well. The outpouring of support and sympathy from Ukraine’s neighbours is most welcome, but there are urgent matters to consider if European states and their partners are to manage this impending humanitarian crisis.


Schooling for refugee children: how MOOCs support teachers in the world’s most challenging situations

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 24 June 2019

24 June 2019

By Diana Laurillard and Eileen Kennedy, UCL Knowledge Lab

More than half the world’s refugees are children. Most of these children will spend their whole childhood away from home, with little access to education. In the context of the Syrian crisis alone, more than 2 million of that nation’s children have dropped out of school within Syria or in neighbouring host countries.

Our research aim is to test whether this kind of very large-scale educational challenge can be addressed by using the global platform of a MOOC as part of the solution.

Teachers can have an enormous impact on the lives of such children, providing continuity and support for physical, cognitive and social needs, in addition to education. In Lebanon, where a quarter of the population is made up of refugees from both Syria
and Palestine, teachers carry the responsibility for providing the basic schooling for (more…)