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Why I believe Brexit from the EU would harm UK higher education

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 4 March 2016

Michael Arthur

Following Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement that the European Union referendum will take place on June 23, there is now a clear possibility of an outcome that culminates in British exit from the EU. Voices from across British politics and public life are aligning themselves to different sides of the debate, and as head of one of the UK’s world-leading universities, I want to state my own position.

I believe that British exit would be bad for UCL and for higher education, research and innovation across Europe. This is my personal view, but it is also one that I see shared across our sector, both by individuals and by organisations.

Universities UK – the sector opinion on Brexit 

At a launch event for UUK last year, this collective, sector-wide body expressed the view that it would be a very negative outcome for UK higher education if we were to leave the European Union. Our sector should be considered seriously in the debate, since UK universities generate £73 billion (more…)