What are ‘stuck’ schools and what sort of fresh thinking can help them move on?
By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 6 May 2020
6 May 2020
By Bernie Munoz, Melanie Ehren and Jo Hutchinson
The government is making some assumptions about so-called ‘stuck’ or ‘intractable’ schools that need to be closely examined. One of these assumptions is that placing a small group of failing schools in special measures will cause them to improve in order to avoid job losses, bad reputation and school closure.
It is further assumed that multi-academy trusts will adopt schools with persistent difficulties and provide stronger leadership to resolve these – but it is also assumed that if failing schools don’t improve, they will ultimately disappear as a natural consequence of low enrolment and sanctions.
However, there is a group of schools in England that Ofsted has judged to be failing for more than a decade. Paradoxically, they have been unable to improve, nor have they disappeared. This would suggest that the competitive educational quasi-market falls short when trying to understand the complexities of the system.
We hope our current two year study, funded by the Nuffield Foundation will provide some (more…)