What’s behind the headlines? Exploring another round of international league tables
By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 8 December 2020
Tina Isaacs, Mary Richardson and Jennie Golding.
Reports from the latest round of international testing – the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), published today, will provide much material for study over the coming months and years. Now in its seventh four-yearly cycle, TIMSS tests 10 and 14-year-olds – in England, pupils in years 5 and 9 – in maths and science knowledge and understanding. It also gathers information on pupils’ school and home contexts.
It is this combination of data that could help us understand how to improve teaching and learning for those groups – often disadvantaged – that are doing less well than others.
In 2019, 64 countries and eight benchmarking systems participated, with over 580,000 pupils tested. We co-wrote the report for England (PDF), which was published today.
Overall, England’s pupils did pretty well – eighth out of 58 countries for year 5 maths; 13th out of 39 (more…)