We need an overhaul of England’s early childhood system, not ‘just’ more childcare
By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 23 March 2023

Credit: FeeLoona / Pixabay
23 March 2023
By Peter Moss
Ahead of his UCL Lunch Hour Lecture on 11th May, Emeritus Professor Peter Moss sets out why ‘just more childcare’ is not the answer to England’s early years needs.
Last week’s Spring Budget saw the latest of many attempts by successive governments to fix England’s broken early childhood system. More funding was directed at childcare. But expensive childcare is just one symptom of a flawed system, itself the product of decades of government neglect followed by a failure to think critically and holistically once early years gained policy attention from 1997.
The result today is a hodgepodge of fragmented services, coupled with weak and poorly co-ordinated leave provision. (more…)