Biometrics in schools – Big Brother technology or an opportunity for human flourishing?
By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 11 October 2021

TheDigitalArtist / Pixabay
11 October 2021
Twenty-first Century schools can be complex places to manage and attend. Schools have grown in size substantially over the last couple of generations, and now need complicated systems of control and regulation. The Biometrics Institute Congress is going to be discussing biometrics, artificial intelligence and privacy on 13 October, and for the first time this will include their impact on education.
One of the primary issues for governing bodies and local education authorities is reconciling a need for bureaucratic efficiency whilst acting in loco parentis – ensuring that the children in their care are where they should be, engaged in appropriate activities at the right time, and being fed at appropriate intervals. Developers have sought to support schools (and monetise solutions to any number of management problems) through digital products, for example for attendance monitoring, assessment, accounting and auditing.
It is within this commercial framework that we find biometrics proliferating, and with it, associated (more…)