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IOE Blog


Expert opinion from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society


School systems are distorting mirrors for the society around them

By Blog Editor, IOE Digital, on 8 December 2015

Chris Husbands
For any country, doing well in education league tables is – frankly – a mixed blessing. It attracts a good deal of international attention, and in theory it means that your young people should be better prepared for the labour market than those from less successful countries – although all of this depends on human capital theory being right, which it may well not be.
Your ministers of education can look forward to building their air miles points. On the other hand, success can make it more difficult to address underlying problems and challenges – the policies which got you to the top may well not be those which sustain high performance, and, depressingly, you can look forward to being misrepresented and (more…)