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UCL Health Communication Network


Uniting work on health communication from around UCL


About the UCL Health Communication Network

Items and concepts related to medicineResearch on health and communication is spread throughout UCL, and the UCL Health Communication Network exists so that we can all connect with each other. The Network is used to share information across faculties and departments about upcoming talks and seminars at UCL, news about relevant research projects or publications, introduce researchers to each other, ask questions, and so on.  

This Network is for all researchers at UCL working on, or interested in, language and communication with, about, and around illness and health. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • healthcare interactions
  • talking therapies
  • lived-experience accounts of illness
  • communication difficulties and disorders
  • medical communication skills and training

If this sounds relevant to you, please subscribe to the UCL Health Communication Network mailing list by adding yourself at www.jiscmail.ac.uk/UCLHEALTHCOMM Once subscribed you can share anything relevant with the network by simply emailing: UCLHEALTHCOMM@JISCMAIL.AC.UK

And please spread the word; we’re a new group and the more the merrier.