The UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health launched the report in December 2018 at the Intergovernmental Conference on the Global Compact for Migration. A month…
Closing the Grand Challenges’ Adolescent Lives series, this project examines what London-based adolescents think about cannabis use, identity and the pros and cons of cannabis…
Richard Donnelly, Director of Connecting the Curriculum at UCL Academy, outlines the Academy’s links with UCL Grand Challenges through its connected curriculum initiative, based on…
How can Wearable Technology Contribute to Understanding Social Behaviour in Adolescents with Autism?
In the latest instalment of Grand Challenges’ spotlight on Adolescent Lives, Siobhan Morris learns more about Dr Jamie Ward and Professor Antonia Hamilton’s project exploring…
In the latest feature showcasing Grand Challenges’ Adolescent Lives initiative, Siobhan Morris learns more about the impact of using museum objects and practices on adolescents’…
The latest post in Grand Challenges’ Adolescent Lives series showcases Will Mandy and Laura Hull’s project which asked, can we promote happier, healthier adolescence for…